Short Bio

Welcome to my homepage! I am third-year Phd Student in Statistics at Iowa State University. My research interest includes smoothing methods, functional data analysis, spatial statistics, data mining and data visualization.

Besides statistics, I am also interested in programming and all kinds of computer technologies. I dream to be a super computer geek one day:D


  • Aug 2015-PresentResearch Assistant

    Center for Survey Statistics and Methodology
    Iowa State University

  • Aug 2014-July 2015Teaching Assistant

    Depaertment of statistics
    Iowa State University

  • Dec 2012-June2014Assistant

    Technical Support Dept.
    Datasolution Inc.

Selected Awards

2015 Data Mining Cup - 2nd place

The Data Mining Cup, hosted by Prudsys AG, is an international data mining competition for universities. In 2015, a total of 188 teams from 48 countries participated in the challenge which involved predicting coupon usage rates and basket value for real costumers of an online shop. Our predictions landed us 2nd (and 3rd) overall and we were invited to Berlin to present our results.

2011 CAYSS

Chung-Ang University Asian Young Scientist Scholarship. Benefits: Tuition for four semesters waived (includes enrollment fee and application fee of USD80) and bursary from their professors (minimum 500,000KRW per month)

2011 Korean Fluency Scholarship

Offered by Chung-Ang University to foreign students who are fluent at Korean language.